Menü Bezárás

Attila József: Lullaby

Jaxon is sleepy
 Its bluish eyes the sky does close,
 the eyes of house now do not peep,
 Under pillow just sleep meadows –
 My dearest son, let fall asleep.
 The chafer and wasp sleep alone,
 while bowing their heads on their feet,
 together with them sleeps the drone –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 And sleeps the tram and all within,
 while rumbling slumbers but not deep,
 it makes in dream a slight ringing’, –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 On chair the coat sleeps with a snore,
 slumbers the rent, it is its need,
 today it will but rend no more –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 The ball and whistle take a nap,
 the wood and jaunt sleep free of weep,
 sugar is dozing in the bag –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 Distance you’ll get, glass-ball as flies,
 a giant you will be, indeed,
 but close, just close your tiny eyes –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 You will be soldier and fireman!
 Shepherd who guides and drives the sheep!
 Mum also sleeps as soon she can –
 my dearest son, let fall asleep.
 Translated by Otto Tomschey 

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