Menü Bezárás

Ferenc Mózsi: I have dreamed of you

dalliance of fragrances 
rush of rambling roses 
and now summer sends 
for her harried flowers 
to unpetal 

her calyx chooses 

buds revel 
in their burgeoning 
nature is piddling taking 
her time and when the breeze 
blows symbols gather 
a bouquet of rhyme 

blooming a uni(verse) 

from my lover’s orchard 
bursting flowers 
life-saving lilacs 
poised for our unfolding
my unbrideled bride 
of happiness how You revel 
in my fantasy in grace 
in sin how knives 
within me dull their sharpness 

and springtime is delicate 
a mirror’s mime of silver 
shadows untwisted 
florid words 
a river of promises 
stenciled silk ribbons 
of images in night’s black tresses 

I have dreamed of You... 

Translated by Peter Hargitai

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