Menü Bezárás

Ferenc Mózsi: Unearthly Station…

Forrás: Pixabay
these roads all wind here
to launch words 
scribbled always in faith 

on the rim of being 
nested in gilded ice 
where belonging 
has no rationing 
where imagination 
has no price 

the vision is keener here 
where hills buckle at the knee 
crumbling toward desire 
and from our debris will be 
built this unearthly city 

where hope is a stifled 
advertising ploy
a thrashing metaphor
a buoy in a choppy harbor 
in the reddening dawn 
of all our awakenings 
such scented petals 
intoxicating arbors 

whose scattered 
leaves we try to bind 
our future spinning 
in mulish revolutions 
blind to speed 
our intentions justified 

just to survive… 

Translation by Peter Hargitai

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