Menü Bezárás

On the right track

„Dear Rózsa and Gyuri… You could have a more quiet life, free of anxiety and stress but you rather commence to work, preparing the bi-monthly magazine … Let me tell you – we not only recognize your efforts but appreciate it, too. Aside from the enthusiastic readers praises and congratulations, and letters from top politicians, scientists, and philosophers found in your archives, the honours and prizes awarded to you (e.g. Szervátiusz-prize, Prize of the hungarian Radio of Sydney) are also testimony – that you dear Rózsa and Gyuri, have been walking on the right path. The summary of the bygone twenty years is that you have fought your fight, you have done the course and have kept everything needed to reach your goal: faith, trustworthiness, courage, openness, firmness, diligence, acceptance, humility… And even if you felt that something defrauded, you got it back, God gave it back…”

Gabriella Varga, journalist, editor, Budapest, 2018

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